Sunday, November 1, 2020

A Hawaii Vacation

 A Hawaii Vacation

Many years ago, while we were still part of the work force, we managed to get a couple weeks of vacation pulled together and we went to the beautiful state of Hawaii.  So, since we are not traveling this year due to COVID, I thought you all may enjoy the photos taken on our Hawaii vacation.  

Just a few notes for this blog:  Hawaii has tons of flowers!  We toured four of the Islands by taking a cruise between Islands.  The Pacific is gorgeous from any angle!  It's hard to catch photos of fish in the water, so any photos you see are the best of the bunch ... really!!!

We visited the Arizona Memorial and Pearl Harbor, water falls, gardens, museums, and we enjoyed sea turtles in the bay.   We went to Kilauea Volcano and the near by observatory and to the pineapple plantation several times because they had the best pineapple ice cream!!

Waikiki Beach

Honolulu from the side of a mountain 

The Royal Gardens

Beautiful birds

Sailing between the Islands

Did I mention that they have very big plants there?

The caldera of Kilauea volcano

Sunsets were beautiful

The Hawaii Lighthouse

Again, up by the volcano!

It's ok, I took the picture!

Luau's are filled with good eats and great fun

Gosh we were so young!!!!!

The Napali Coast

If I come across other adventures we took before retirement and pre-COVID I will share those with you too.  But until then I hope you enjoyed Hawaii.

More soon 😊

Jan 🌷🌷🐾🐾