Saturday, May 23, 2015

A Day at Crater Lake

On the road again.  We are definitely in total Christmas Tree Country!!  Everywhere you look it is beautiful...imagine this shot with thousands of tiny Christmas Tree lights on a Christmas Eve !



As we drive along through the twisting and turning of the mountain roads suddenly there is this beautiful lake.  The Goldens of coarse would love to get out and go for a swim but the temperatures up here the mountains prohibit swimming today!  Have a look at Honey Lake:

Then....back into the beautiful mountain views....

Once we were settled into our new campsite we ventured off into the wilderness

in search of Crater Lake.  We found it of coarse and ya'll may get tired of me always using the same words to describe what we see, but tell me...what words would you use???  Enjoy below and let me know!

See what I mean?  Beautiful! Awesome!  Gorgeous!  Unbelievable!  You know Crater Lake was created from a volcano and is actually the inside of the cone shaped after this volcano erupted 7 thousand 7 hundred years ago!  The water is crystal clear and only fed by snow melt and rain water so it is very clean.  The small island called Wizard Island is also the result of a volcano and you can just barely see inside the cone which shaped as the volcano cooled.

There is a rock formation which they say resembles a "Phantom Ship" but I had a hard time getting to a place where I could really get a good shot .... it is the smaller rock formation below but to me looks more like a castle...

The only wildlife we spotted was this friendly bird...

As you probably noticed in some of the previous photos if was cold and there is still a fair amount of snow and ice around creating some captivating images:

Once our toes and noses were completely frozen we found that
the Crater Lake Lodge was a warm and inviting place to defrost!

Then we said 'good-bye' to Crater Lake....for now...

Keep an eye out...more to come...

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