Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Los Angeles California ; Slice number 3 !

Los Angeles  California ; Slice number 3!

The  Santa Monica Pier: everyone has heard of it but perhaps have never seen it.  It really isn’t very big, it has a Carousel (that was closed for maintenance), a Wild Mouse type of coaster and a Ferris wheel.  There are a number of kiosks selling ‘stuff’ and some food vendors.  The pier stretches out into the Pacific and encourages fishing.  It also shares space with Muscle Beach!

Slice number 4 coming soon  😊

Jan  🌷🌷🐾🐾

Los Angeles California ; Slice number 2!

Los Angeles  California ; Slice number 2!
The Science and Space Museum

We took the train and then transferred to the Metro System to get to the Space and Science Museum. This travel took way longer than we expected!   There is a lot to see at this Museum, some of the current displays for example are: 'Ecosystems', zones with live animals and aquariums about wildlife and adaptation in different ecosystems, including a river, desert, polar region, deep sea, ocean, island and urban areas, as well as the entire planet Earth.  Another example would be 'World of Life' which examines the processes of life and similarities among organisms, including food, body organs like the heart and brain, senses, defenses against threats, how living things reproduce which includes a hatching chick display, DNA, and microscopic organisms.

Since we had limited time before we had to get back to the train station to catch the train home we decided to only visit the Air and Space exhibits of this museum.  We have made a point of seeing each existing space shuttle as we’ve crossed the country, so choosing the Space Museum on limited time was a no brainer since the 'Endeavour' is housed there!


Endeavour moving down the streets of LA to it's home at the Air and Space Museum.

How would you like to pay for replacement of these????????

 Time to head back to the train station!  On the way out I snapped a few additional views........


 Slice number 3 coming soon 😊

Jan 🌷🌷🐾🐾

Los Angeles California !

Los Angeles  California !

 LA, Los Angeles, The City of Angels, and now the home of the Rams and the Chargers … The Dodgers, LA Lakers, LA Kings, and The Bruins !
There is just so much to be said about Los Angeles, including the fact that it is HUGE!!!!!  We spent two months camping just outside of LA.  Now that should sound like getting into the city would be quick and easy right?  No, the drive took at a minimum an hour or longer depending on traffic.  We tried the train and public transportation to get into town and move about; the train from near our campsite took an hour and a half to get to Union Station, then the time added to use either the subway (Metro) or the buses to get to what we wanted to see!  No, getting into the city, out of the city, and moving around within the city was definitely a challenge!  That being said, we did manage to see a fair amount of attractions and sites; So many sites that I will be sending out LA ‘slices’ of our visit.  For ‘slice’ number 1 we’ll see Union Station, China Town, City Hall and park, Disney Concert Hall and a small Fire House Museum.  Enjoy 😊



A few notable buildings we saw between China Town and City Hall are below. 

The LA Philharmonic


The Disney Concert Hall


Slice number 2 coming soon !
Jan  🌷🌷🐾🐾