Tuesday, July 28, 2015

For the collector, historians and craft buffs

Perhaps I should qualify my title on this:  The collector during this visit was a "Model Train
aficionado"!  While touring a part of Indiana we were introduced to this showcase of American Train history -"Mr. Muffins Trains". 
Now you may think this is a child's pass time but I think once you see the pictures you will change your mind.  The attention to detail and American Train History cannot be missed. 

Enjoy "Mr. Muffin's Trains"

Miles and miles of track!!

 Then there is more track that crosses bridges and trestles - raising the trains 3 to 5 levels - allowing them to cross roads, houses, industry, rivers and much more.


And Trains!  From the New York Central Line to the Chesapeake & Ohio to the Erie to the Lackawana and tons more!  There was even 2 or 3 circus trains and the Polar Express!

An amazing Train Station

And the Circus was in town!


Then, once you get past the rails, trestles and trains - there is all the back ground.  Small towns, large city centers, group settings, shops, industrial areas, communities, there is even an amusement park!
Note the detail ... below you will see small bicycles parked in front of the ice cream store, a small table and chairs and don't miss the American Flag!
Don't miss the soda machine at the corner of this cycle shop, the dog in the fenced area and the American Flag.

Check out the VW buses of olde and the roaster on the left!

And who remembers "Woodies"!

I used to ride buses like the one below when I was young! 

Anyone see the Route 66 sign below?

And 'Campbell's' .... everyone's favorite soup !!

A 'Taste of Italy' has a guitar player with his guitar case open for donations while he plays, a German Shepherd dog, a police man who appears to be talking to someone in the black car, is that a model T? And a bum sleeping on the bench!!

Of course trains move over waterways but this boat sure looks way bigger than this train!

A busy lumber yard - maybe that's where Lowes got it's start!

Before we had TV, computers, video games, Face Book, Twitter and Skype neighbors would get together for neighborhood block party's ... where they would share a meal, visit and rehash last nights baseball game while the children played games like "Tag", "Red Rover", "Simon Says" or, kids actually talked with each other too!

Gosh!  I hope someone is calling 911 because this lady is laying flat out on her porch!

Yeah Jack Daniel's!!

Notice that if you look in the windows you see the interiors are decorated and some have patron's walking around or siting down ...

Amazingly large city center ..

Who remembers train yard 'roundhouses'?

The back of the train's round house ...

City Center with Train station - like Grand Central Station ...

A sweet little Chapel

Sunbathers on a pier???

He even includes an RV!!!

Firemen at work!

Let's not forget America's favorite past time --- Baseball!

Neighborhood train stops of yesteryear look similar to today's Rapid Transit stops.

Remember when milk and other dairy products where delivered to your door?

There was an Amish farm too.
 Hobo camp ..
oops ... accident! 

Close up of the Hobo camp ...

Hippies!  They need a 'peace' symbol on the side of their van tho!!

The 'Newsies' waiting to get their papers to deliver!

Main Street - kind of reminds me of an early Chicago with the "L" line.

San Francisco style with all the gingerbread ...

I wonder why there is a goat at the Flower Stand????

Mining the coal out of the mountain ...

Yes there is an Amusement Park too!!! It lights up and the rides work!!

Airplane cash on the trestle!  First responders busy at work ...

And finally, passengers on the train going someplace exciting!!

There was so much to see at Mr. Muffin's Trains that I could not get it all into the 'Blog'.  The craftsmanship and creativity was amazing.  I can see how a person can get hooked and just want to do more and more.  Does Mr. Muffin have plans to expand?  You bet he does! 
Hope you all enjoyed this tour of a hobbyist :)


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