Thursday, July 9, 2015

Who belongs in the driver's seat?

When one of my human's gets out of the driver's seat I move in!!  This time the camera caught me! 
So ... I went ahead and took my place behind the wheel anyway ..

Then I just pretended that I was only going to sit there and keep the seat warm .. haha
But my human knew better!  Awe gee, why can't I drive?????? It doesn't look very hard to do!
But, but, but ... I really want to drive ... please please please!!!!!!

I really really really do ....  want to drive!

Oh come on sister, just get in the back with me and watch out the windows.
Hey, stay out of this!  I'll drive if I want too!!! 
See what you did?  Now I have to be in back with you, oh poo!

Fine!  I'll just keep driving from the back seat! Ya know ... "Back seat driver on board"!

Humph!  I'll get them the next time!  I'll get in the driver's seat and totally refuse to move until they let me drive!!  Yeah....that's what I'll do!

Ha, I hear my humans talking!  They are saying that they will need to keep an eye on me!  

You bet they will - that makes me smile :)

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