Monday, May 20, 2019

Horseshoe Bend a Bloggette !

Horseshoe Bend

This is a Bloggette because my photos will say it all!  Horseshoe Bend is, obviously, a horseshoe-shaped turn in the Colorado River located near the town of Page, Arizona.  As you’ll see in the photos below Horseshoe Bend is a beautiful, peaceful natural beauty that allows visitors long quiet moments to enjoy the beauty of nature.  It’s also an awesome view!  The overlook is 4,200 feet above sea level, it’s an easy walk from the parking lot and it’s free to spend as long as you would like enjoying the tranquility of the area.  Even though it’s become a very popular of late you can always find a quiet spot to enjoy your visit.

 More to come soon  πŸ’•
Jan  🌷🌷🐾🐾 

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