Monday, August 12, 2019

# 5 The Black Forest and the Thunderous Rhinefall

The Black Forest and the Thunderous Rhinefall

What image does the term Black Forest conjure up in your mind?  For me it was a forest so thick with huge trees that it would seem like night while driving through it.   Maybe at some point back in history that is what it was like … but not today.  What we saw was a beautiful forest no doubt … however the parts we drove through were no thicker than any of our mountainous forests here in the states.  But according to everything we heard and everything we read the Black Forest is defined as a mountainous region with dense evergreen forests and picturesque villages. 

It is also known for Cuckoo Clocks made from the wood of the forest.  We stopped at a local store featuring the intricately carved Cuckoo Clocks and they were really something to see.  Each one was a different design, different sizes, different colors and the workmanship on every one of them was astounding. No photos of the Cuckoo Clocks though as the shopkeeper wasn't happy about that.  There was a human sized clock works in the shop and ran on the hour which wrapped around the front of the building which was decorated like a really big Cuckoo Clock.  There were gardens and gift shop with various items for purchase.  It was a nice break from riding in the bus.

 There was also a lovely Inn, a garden, a gift shop and a café that sold Black Forest Cake …. yumm!


 There was a walking path leading behind Inn which lead to some sort of a log saw from a much earlier century and an  interesting train trestle made of brick, also from a much earlier century but still used today.  The trestle crosses from one mountain to another over the valley.

Soon we were back in the bus, crossing the border between Germany and Switzerland, heading to the Rheinfall, the largest waterfall in Switzerland.  They are 490 feet wide and 75 feet high.  The falls are so rapid fish are not able to climb them.  As you can see from the photos below it was a very beautiful spot in Switzerland. Enjoy!



More to come soon  😊
Jan  🌷🌷🐾🐾

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