Friday, September 13, 2019

San Diego Zoo

San Diego Zoo

We took a little side trip to San Diego Zoo.  We had both heard what a wonderful zoo San Diego has, we both love animals and figured we’d get this zoo marked off our ‘to see’ list.  We did see a lot of animals however we could not photograph many of them because they were behind heavy chain link fences … I am an amateur and focusing on moving targets while behind these fences proved to be difficult for me and caused many photos to hit the delete box!  Here are some of the photos I did keep.  Hope you enjoy them J

We're greeted at the front entrance by the mighty Lion, King of the Jungle!  This was a well done sculpture.

Of course there are always flowers around :)

Another sculpture, there are several throughout the park.

Guess who has a wing this size?
This Guy!!!

This little fella wasn't in the mood to visit - 😊 😁 πŸ˜‚ 😍

Of course the bear was napping.

Many zoos today use dogs to foster animals from infancy.  Here is the foster Labrador Retriever calmly sleeping within the living area of this now fully grown tiger. 

We've seen many Rhino's during our various visits to zoos and protected wild animal rescue ranches but this guy really looks like he is wearing armor!!  

They had a baby giraffe … very cute!




 More to come soon  😊
Jan  🌷🌷🐾🐾

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