Friday, September 13, 2019

Balboa Park, San Diego California

Balboa Park, San Diego California

San Diego Zoo is located in Balboa Park but this park offers a great many ways to spend your visiting hours.

The Automotive Museum was our first stop.  You get to see some beautifully restored cars from the past to the present.  Here are some examples.
The 1956 Continental Mark II
The 1968 Pontiac Firebird 400
The 1967 Ford Mustang

The 1936 De Soto Airflow III Series S2

The 1953 Dodge Storm Zeder Z250 Bertone

The 1939 Packard Super 8 Touring Sedan Model 1703


The 1967 Austin London Cab FX4

The 1905 REO Runabout


The 1032 Morgan Super Sport 

 The 1953 Jaguar XKI20
  The 1031 Cadillac Roaster
 The 1981 DeLorean MDC-12 
 This has been a small sampling of what to see at the Automobile Museum.  Even it your not into cars it was fascinating!
Next stop the Air and Space Museum. 
As like the Automobile Museum there is a lot to see in the Air and Space Museum.  So this is a sampling of what we saw, including items remembered this year - The first man on the moon, and sadly 911.

This New York - New Jersey Police Cruiser is on loan to the museum after being damaged during the collapse of the twin towers on 911 and the large piece of rubble is one piece of all the destruction that day.  

There is so much more to see at this museum we highly recommend it!
We enjoyed the lovely sights as we strolled around Balboa Park.  The outdoor music venue which had an amazing Pipe Organ hidden behind the curtain, the walkways, gardens, and ponds, were pleasant as well.  Then we came upon another museum called The San Diego Model Railroad Museum.  This museum is three floors of fascinating miniaturism!  (Is that a word?  Well … it is now!!) 




We finished our visit by additional strolling through interesting scenes, this park was the home of the 1915 World Fair, some of these buildings are from that time period, and we also enjoyed the Botanical Gardens. 


More to come soon 😊
Jan  🌷🌷🐾🐾 

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