Friday, November 1, 2019

Western Colorado Botanical Gardens

Western Colorado Botanical Gardens

In Grand  Junction Colorado is the Western Colorado Botanical Gardens which connects visitors with the Beauty of the Colorado River Basin and Plateau by providing opportunities for education, science, conservation and community events.  The Gardens opened in 1994 with a long term lease with the city of Grand Junction.  It sits right along the edge of the Colorado River.  We enjoyed touring the gardens with the butterflies, snapping turtles, koi fish and beautiful flowers.  Enjoy



The gardens included a child area with a small castle that children  could participate in creative adaptive play using the provided props for the time period of Robin Hood.  Very clever!  It also included these garden figures from children's fairy tales for them to play on.  


More coming soon 😊
Jan 🌷🌷🐾🐾

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