Saturday, November 2, 2019

The St. Louis Arch

The St. Louis Arch

The quintessential place to visit in St. Louis is the Gateway Arch and of course we spent several hours doing just that!  There is plenty to see and be inspired by including the overlook to the mighty Mississippi River, the Old Courthouse; which heard the historic case of enslaved Dred and Harriet Scott as they sued for their freedom, as well as where Virginia Minor fought for women’s right to vote.  There are Riverboat Rides and helicopter rides available at the base of the Arch, a Museum below the Arch which displays the last 200 years of the growth of St. Louis, and a Tram ride to the top of the Arch.  We focused on the Gateway itself, took the tram ride to the top and toured the Museum which also included a movie showing how this amazing 630 feet arch was built in 1935!  Enjoy ….


More coming soon 😊

Jan 🌷🌷🐾🐾

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