Wednesday, May 13, 2020

The early Kingdom of Sukhothai

The early Kingdom of Sukhothai
(which is now a National Park)

On our way to Sukhothai we stopped at a local school for a visit.  Gate 1, the travel organization we use for all of our overseas travel, supports schools in various countries that are not as blessed as we are.  If you follow my Blog you may have seen the photos of the school we visited in Peru.   If we would like to, we can take donations of needed items with us when we visit the school.  In Peru the need was for spiral notebooks and pencils.  Here in Thailand the need was for socks!  Generally socks are one of the most needed clothing items in any country.  With our guides help, several of us were able to pick up the correct type of socks needed for these children as they all wear school uniforms.  During our visit we observed the kiddos during various school activities.  We also get to meet and visit one on one with a few of the children.  Russ and I really enjoy these visits.  Here are a few photos.

Back on the bus and on our way again we make a small pit stop … and please forgive me as I really try to share our experiences with all of you and there are times people in other countries eat things we would never eat!!!  This was a stop to see how rats are grilled and sold for snacks or lunch to whomever wants them!  A truck driver actually stopped and purchased 2 rats on a stick to eat for lunch while we were there!   Be brave, take a quick look, they kind of look like chicken … but not!!!

Next another pit stop … no nothing like the rat stop!  This one is of a gigantic monk sitting on a mountain with huge yellow ducks in the lake he looks down on.  It is also a small market and a rather lovely spot to recover from the rat stop!

Moving along we now head to the hotel where we will stay for the night. Although we always stay in 4 or 5 star hotels when we travel with Gate 1, I rarely ever talk about them in my Blog chapters but this hotel is very unique.   Legendha Sukhothai Resort is spectacularly designed and landscaped in a Thai village concept so you get a sense of Thailand’s authentic ambience.  Our room had teakwood furniture and looked out on one of the many ruins in Thailand. The outdoor Namkhang Sukhothai Restaurant was also a pleasant surprise and each morning you can observe and participate in alms giving for the local Buddhist monks.

After we have all settled into our hotel we travel on to the birth place of Thailand nation.  Sukhothai was founded in the 13th century by King Ramkhamhaeng.  The Kingdom existed from 1238 until 1438. The old capital is now in ruins and has been designated a UNESCO World Heritage Historical Park; The name ‘Sukhothai’ means 'dawn of happiness'. 

Sukhothai is famous for over 100 historical sites including some of the most beautiful architecture in the country. We visited Old Town Historical Park with its peaceful lotus blossom ponds, ancient Buddha figures, palaces of old and other historical monuments.



More to come soon  😊

Jan 🌷🌷🐾🐾 

1 comment:

Ra said...

cool trees and temples