Friday, August 12, 2016

Corning Glass Museum

Here is another short stop we made after the RV Rally was over and we were on the road again.  Of course the Golden Girls were not able to come for this one - The Corning Glass Museum!  Can you imagine Ivy Rose and Izzy in rooms filled with glass????  Yikes!!!!  So here is a small sample of what we saw - we were pressed for time so this is probably a target when we return to the area.  Remember, everything your about to see is made of glass!

 Talk about really busy!! Below is the explanation of what your seeing above.

 Can anyone tell what these are?  They are Corning Ware Casserole dishes!


The picture within this globe is only a 1/2 " in size.  This isn't as good a photo as I would like but the globe is actually acting like a magnifying glass which has blown the picture up to a 4"x4" picture, which is also made of glass !


This is another short one, a quick visit, but more to come I promise!
Jan 🌷🌷🐾🐾

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