Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Georgia State Aquarium

So while the Golden Girls are romping around with some new doggie friends at Camp Bow Wow we decided to go to the Georgia State Aquarium.  Georgia has a lovely, very active aquarium and we enjoyed our visit completely. 

I quickly discovered how hard it is to shoot photos with moving objects, in water, behind glass!  But I managed a few -

First, from the Ocean Voyager - a walk through a tunnel made of acrylic allows you to watch an endless blue sea filled with thousands of fish casually swimming  overhead as well as along the sides as you walk by.  Ocean Voyager is home to the gentle giants of the sea, including whale sharks and mantas.


Meet the Georgia Aquarium's  Sea Otters named Gracie and Oz. 

And white alligators!!

The cartelginous skeleton
 of a white tipped reef  shark: sharkskeleton
The Cold Water Quest:  Penguin's, Beluga Whales, Japanese Spider Crab and a Weedy Sea Dragon!


The Tropics!  A Pacific coral reef has been recreated here including live coral.


 A favorite shot of mine below ☺


 A Giant Grouper 

 Sea worms!  Who knew?????
Fish with false eye!
 Not the best picture but he's so cute!  He is a Long Horned Cow Fish.

Cuttle Fish
These pictures show the living coral along with the fish

Jelly fish can be so intriguing. They are all unique in their own way.

 I loved these blue jelly fish with the white dots!


Of course there were tons more beautiful, giant, big, little, tiny, strange, colorful, graceful, mesmerizing specimens of underwater life at this aquarium.  I hope you enjoyed what I was able to share with you.
More soon 🐾🐾🌞