Tuesday, April 5, 2016

This is CNN!

Not sure how many of you are CNN fans but we watch it a lot!!  Especially now during the Primaries.  So, of course, we had to visit the CNN head quarters in Atlanta.  We went on a tour and saw how the news programming is set up, how a 'green screen' works, had our photo taken as though we were the news casters, and watched the professionals at work.  It was all very interesting - especially when my partner had his picture taken with Melissa Knowles !!  He was in heaven!  Melissa is usually on Morning Express or Headline News in the morning with Robin Meade.  She was wonderful and spent quite a lot of time visiting with us.

Our first impression of CNN was the awesome lobby ... see for yourself.

The tour started in the Lobby where we met our guide who gave us some general information, then sent us up the longest escalator  ever!   

Then it was on to CNN Control, headquarters, the news room, and the HLN Studios.

A stop on the tour to explain how the green screen works, the teleprompter and sound.
 Where the news 'set' is located and how it works.  This is also where we met Melissa!

CNN World Headquarters is actually where all the "news" staff work.  Several news staff sit at their computers gathering and writing the news.  There is an entire set of staff that do nothing but follow social media all day to keep the news casters up to date. Now don't think that all the news casters you see on TV are just given all the news to report.  No way, they read everything, they check the details for accuracy, they check the history behind the story and they do all this so that they are better informed and so that they do not report anything inaccurate.

Then there was the control room.  This is where the decisions are made as to what pictures and back grounds are shown during the shows.  They are ones who tell the news reporters like Anderson Cooper that it's time to go to commercial.  If a 'breaking' bit of news comes in, these are the guys that work it into the show so that it can be reported.  They are the ones who are really in control of what you see in your living room!
All in all it was a unique experience that left us with a greater appreciation of all that truly goes into the making of the news,  Beginning with "This is CNN".
More soon


Ra said...

This is a must see in Atlanta.

Ra said...

This is a must see in Atlanta.