Thursday, November 17, 2016

Last glimpse of Peru, People, Fauna and Flora

Last glimpse of Peru, People, Fauna and Flora
There was plenty of beauty in Peru not only in the amazing landscapes and mountains; the people of Peru were amazing too.  We were met with smiles, happiness, contentment and a graciousness that often is missing here in the states.  When we first arrived in Peru we couldn’t help but feel a deep sadness for the people and their living conditions in most areas; however, it only took one visit with the people for the sadness to be replaced with an awesome respect and gladness for them.  Many still wear the traditional clothing of their country … which I really enjoyed seeing, but as you will see in the photos some of the younger generations are adopting our more modern look.

Even the Military waved at us!

Dancing in the square

School sports

Younger vs older generations

You will notice anyone working is doing their work by hand or with hand tools - there were very few machines to help them.

I had even more fun photographing the fauna.   I love animals as most of you know and, like the people of Peru, the animals seemed to be as happy and gentle as the people!  So getting their photos was easy!!


And the fauna!!! Well, my second love – flowers, plants and green stuff!  The simple beauty of nature cannot be beat!  See for yourself.


 This has been my farewell to Peru.  I hope everyone enjoyed all of the Peru chapters.
Now of course we have been up to more mischief since our return from Peru so keep an eye out for yet another chapter in ‘Goldens on the Road’!!
More soon ☺
Jan  🌷🌷🐾🐾