Thursday, November 10, 2016

The Imperial City of Cuzco

The Imperial City of Cuzco

We spent a day exploring the city of Cuzco, Peru.  It is known as the ‘Imperial City’, once the capital of the Inca Empire and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.  It is a lively city rich in history and reveals both the Incan and the Spanish presence. So join me as we wander through the streets, peek in shops, watch the people and absorb what it’s like to be in Cuzco …..

Starting in the main square you see two beautiful Cathedrals.  The larger one is the Colonial Cathedral.  There are also shops, people enjoying the square and busy streets.


Then as we walk the streets we see statues, monuments,  a children’s play area and decorated walls …


We continue exploring and find ourselves in a neighborhood.  Always built up on the hills the families that have settled in the homes get together and build steps; therefor, there are several really long stair cases just waiting to be climbed!  Of course we climbed one and saw some awesome images of Cuzco from ‘the top’.

Since we were already in the neighborhood we visited with a few Peruvians on the street – simple phrases like “Hola” for hello and big smiles!!  The people of Peru are all very friendly and always seem to be busy doing something to help raise money for their families.   I think I mentioned in a previous chapter that there is no government assistance like WIC, CHIPS, Unemployment, Medicaid, Social Security Etc. for anyone in Peru.  As families migrated from the Andes they picked some land and started living on it – sometimes with as little as cardboard and sheets of fabric.  Everyone in Peru works!  As they earn they do improvements on their homes.  So in the next set of photos you will see the many stages of the homes in the general population.  At the end you will see much nicer homes – like here, a small number of people in Peru have a lot of money.

We also toured the Colonial Cathedral Basilica of the Assumption of the Virgin.  While it boasts over 400 paintings, and well over 12 alters all decorated with a lot of gold, gems and statues, they do not allow any photography inside the Nave.  So the photos we have are outside and in an area designated for the many archaeological artifacts and relics.


Time to find our way back to our hotel for dinner with all our new friends then crash for the night!

More soon ☺
Jan 🌷🌷🐾🐾 

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