Friday, November 11, 2016

Urubamba Retreat in Peru

There is a beautiful Retreat and Spa located in the Sacred Valley; The Urubamba Sacred Valley Retreat & Spa.  This is one of the lovely places we stayed in Peru overnight.  The next day we were to take a bus from Urubamba to the Sacred Valley’s Ollanta Station to board the Vistadome Train which would take us through the mountains to the citadel of Machu Picchu.  Instead, we spent the day at the retreat due to a strike! 

Peru enacted a law which will allow private companies to provide tourist services to some of Peru’s archaeological sites.  However the state government and labor unions of Cuzco, home to Peru’s leading tourism destination, Machu Picchu, immediately voiced opposition to the new law.  The Regional Federation of Cuzco Workers organized strikes that blocked roads with large rocks, logs and other debris preventing anyone from passing through the city. The photos below were shot the next day, from the bus, as we tried again to get out of the city.

The strikers are demanding that the government repeal the original decree and allow state governments to award 10 year licenses to private companies for cleaning, security, restaurant and museum services at archaeological sites.  The argument is about the concession given to Consettur to operate the route to Machu Picchu.  The locals say these men earn 50 million soles a year, approximately 17 million dollars, and only give sixty thousand dollars a year back to the local community.  So it all finally boiled down to money!  Sound familiar??

So for the entire day we were held in ‘protective custody’ in the beautiful setting of this spa.  I spent a great amount of my day taking photos …..  of course …. Before you go further please realize these will be lovely scenes from with in the retreat.  Enjoy …






















Oh, yes the next day we all got up super early so our bus could get out of the city before the strikers set up again and take us to the train station.  So yes, we got to Machu Picchu!!

More soon on Peru and Machu Picchu soon ☺
Jan  🌷🌷🐾🐾 

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