Saturday, June 15, 2019

Durango & Silverton Narrow Gauge Railroad Museum

Durango & Silverton Narrow Gauge Railroad Museum
and Train Ride
 While in Durango Colorado we visited the Durango & Silverton Railroad Museum and then a few days later took the train ride from Durango to Silverton.  Both were quite enjoyable!
The Roundhouse Museum has a wide variety of historical items including trains, train cars, autos, fire trucks, the remaining roundhouse of days gone by plus a very large model train set up with running trains, cities, rivers and forests that would make any collector envious!  Here are some items we saw: First will be the huge model train set of Old Durango and a mining town - maybe Silverton.



The Durango & Silverton Narrow Gauge Train ride was a 45.5 mile ride through beautiful forest and along the winding Animas River and gorge.  Our destination was Silverton, an old silver mining town that today is a lovely stop as a tourist attraction.  Along with silver mines there were some beautifully cared for historic hotels, restaurants and shops to enjoy.  There is only one paved road in Silverton all the others were compacted dirt.  Of course the train runs into the middle of town.   Here are some photos beginning in Durango, traveling up through the mountains, arriving and visiting Silverton and returning to Durango. The last photo is of our RV, the one that is white with black and maroon swirls and a ladder on the back. The train went past our campground everyday! Enjoy taking your vicarious ride on the Durango & Silverton Narrow Gauge Train. 

We also toured the little town of Durango visiting some of their historical establishments. 


 More coming soon 😊
Jan  🌷🌷🐾🐾

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