Friday, June 14, 2019

Montezuma Castle National Monument

Montezuma Castle National Monument

 Montezuma Castle is a well preserved dwelling built by the Sinagua people, a pre-Columbian culture closely related to the Hohokam and other indigenous peoples of the SW United States.  The structure comprises five stories and about 45 to 60 rooms and was built over a period of three centuries.


Interestingly neither part of the monument’s name is correct!  When first discovered in the 1860’s it was named for the famous Aztec emperor Montezuma.  In fact, the dwelling was abandoned more than 40 years before Montezuma was born, and was not a ‘castle’ but instead it functioned more like a prehistoric high rise apartment building. Below is a 'shadowbox' of what scientists believe the Castle may have looked while in use.

Also near the dwelling is Montezuma Well.  This is a natural limestone sinkhole about 100yards X 120 yards.

There are also a few dwellings by the Sinagua along the edges of the sinkhole.   Here are some photos for you to enjoy!


More coming soon  😊

Jan  🌷🌷🐾🐾 

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