Friday, June 14, 2019

Out of Africa Wildlife Park

Out of Africa Wildlife Park

In central Arizona there is a small, privately owned zoo called “Out of Africa Wildlife Park”.    We love animals and truly enjoy going to zoos, so when we saw ‘Out of Africa’ we had to go.  We were surprised to see that it really was not a zoo so much but a wild life refuge.  They had a variety of animals including some from Africa however they also care for any animals in need.   We were pleased to see this.  All of the animals are well cared for and live in mostly large open range areas.  There is fencing of course but only to keep the lions from the bears from the tigers … oh my!  All the animals were healthy and living out their lives in the safety of this special place.  Enjoy your visit through the following photos!

 First the horses that spend all of their days in their pajamas!!  Now they know how to relax!!!!  Usually you see one or tw0 Zebras in a zoo so it was fun to see a brood of them.  They are pretty cool and if you'll notice their stripes are not all the same color. It is really hard to tell them apart if their stripes are the same color but if you look really closely you will find differences in the stripe patterns.

 Next are the Giraffes.  They are a favorite and they are actually pretty gentle as long as you don't make any sudden moves or loud noises.  They even ate out of our hands and in some cases licked some of our faces to say thank you!   And they are gifted with the longest, most beautiful eye lashes too!!  In truth they have two sets of eyelids to protect and clean their eyes.

 Next up the animals with horns and antlers like elk, deer, caribou, moose, goats, antelope and even cows to name a few.  Sorry, but I don't have all the names for these guys, except for the Longhorn's of coarse.

They only had a couple of bird species, Ostriches and  Macaws.

Then there were the reptiles …..

I really liked the paint job on this guy!  I mean he is classy … just look at him!

 They had wolves that looked like sweet beautiful puppies! 

A pair of very friendly donkeys …

The Bears

 Some really cute Otters


But my very favorites are the big cats!  They are so gorgeous! Their kittens are adorable too!


Hope you enjoyed your visit to the Wildlife Park.

More coming soon 😊

Jan 🌷🌷🐾🐾

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