Saturday, September 16, 2017

Florence, Italy

Florence, Italy

The lively Renaissance city of Florence is our next remarkable stop on our tour of Italy.  We visited the Academia of Fine Arts where Michelangelo’s ‘David’ now stands in all his glory.  Of course there are other famous works of art here like ‘The Rape of the Sabriens’, but our main focus was on ‘David’.


Notice the overlap on top of David's hand.  This is the end of his sling shot.  It can also be seen running down David's back.

The stump
leg was
there to
give the

The feet and hands are larger in proportion to rest of his body.
Note on the photo below you can see his sling shot hanging down his back.

The 'rock' in his hand.
The detail of "David" is involved and amazing!

The ' Rape of the Sabines'


Next stop on our walking tour was the Florence Cathedral ‘St. Mary’s of the Flower’, a very large Duomo!  Celebrated for its magnificent dome designed by Brunelleschi and the Baptistery’s renowned ‘Gates of Paradise’ by Ghiberti. This Duomo was so large I was not able to get a photo of the entire building with the lens I had on the camera the day we were there. Unfortunately a visit to the inside of this awesome structure was not on the schedule.




 "The Gates of Paradise" the doors to the Baptistery


 As we continue our walk we enter an open air museum at Signoria Square.  This was the original site of the beautiful marble statue of ‘David, before the years of exposure began to show signs of damage and the statue was moved to the Academia of the Arts.  The original has been replaced with a plaster ‘David’.  The Square also includes other replicas of art works. 

On our own now we worked our way back to the hotel.  Our wanderings took us to Ponte Vecchio. The Ponte Vecchio ("Old Bridge", is a medieval stone closed-spandrel segmental arch bridge over the Arno River, in Florence, Italy, noted for still having shops built along it, as was once common. Butchers initially occupied the shops; the present tenants are jewelers, art dealers and souvenir sellers. The Ponte Vecchio's two neighboring bridges are the Ponte Santa Trinita and the Ponte alle Grazie. (Wikipedia)  (Plus some other sites on our way.)

 We found a lovely park overlooking the city.

Our Evening in Florence was spent on a drive in to the Tuscany country side for a sumptuous Tuscan dinner, including all the wine we could possibly drink, along with all of our new friends.  I know a great time was had by everyone!


More to come soon!
Jan 🌷🌷🐾🐾

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It is like we are walking with you. Thanks for sharing.