Sunday, September 10, 2017

Venice (Venezia) Italy

Venice (Venezia) Italy

Venice is built on over one hundred islands and connected by 400 bridges. 

There are no cars, buses, scooters, motor cycles or any other form of transportation other than by foot or by Gondolas or boat.  (They do have water taxi's). 

All products needed by the Vinezians are delivered at the main entrance to Venice from the main land   via train or semi trucks. Once on the island all products are transferred to smaller boats and transported to the proper locations within Venice. 

Unfortunately our visit to Venice was the only time we got wet! It was a cloudy, overcast and rainy day ☔  We took a boat ride to the Isle of Murano which is known for its history of colorful hand blown Murano Glassware.

This glass blower is about to make a vase.

Next he will create a horse figurine !

Additional items made by the glass blowers at work on the day we visited.

 Of course we saw a lot while on the boat riding through the canals, all of it beautiful.  Have a look.


We went to St. Mark’s Square; saw the Golden Basilica of San Marco, which was built over several centuries in a fusion of Byzantine, Roman and Venetian architecture.   (We were not permitted to take photos inside the Basilica)  

Next we saw the famous Bridge of Sighs, created at the beginning of the 17th century to serve as a link between the prison and the inquisition room of the Doge’s Palace.  We then continued on to the sites of the Doge’s Palace the official residence of the Venetian ruler.

We then continued on to the sites of the Doge’s Palace the official residence of the Venetian ruler.  The Doge's Palace is filled with enormous hallways and rooms filled with gold, marble, paintings (many of the paintings tell a story and the Doge of that time period is in the painting) and solid wood doors and furniture.  Once someone is pronounced  as the "Doge" that person is never allowed to leave the Palace. 

 The gondolas are a highlight in Venice and we didn’t want to miss them just because it decided to suddenly poor down rain!  We had fun but we were drenched when we ended the ride.

We spent the rest of the day wondering around this unique and beautiful city and here is some of what we saw.

The balloons you see below are actually Murano Blown Glass!

We found our way back to our hotel.  The lobby was decorated with Murano Glass which included the unique lamp fixtures. 

Exhausted , wet and cold we made it to our room with it's crystal door knobs and a view of a nice little - wet - park.  We were in awe!

More coming soon!

Jan πŸŒ·πŸŒ·πŸΎπŸΎ              

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